
An engaging way to track your reads
rows of book covers
add books to your library
Easily add books to your library or wishlist
Discover insights into your reading habits
dashboard with reading insights
a map that shows where you have read books from
Travel through space...
And time...
a bar chart showing the publish years of books in your library
button to discover books from a certain year button to discover books from a certain place
And expand your reading experience

Worm is inspired by not only my love of reading, but my love of staring at the books I've read, admiring them, and spending hours researching what to read next. Worm is built with Express/ Node.js / MongoDB / Mongoose back-end, and a React / Redux / RTK Query front-end. Worm is styled with Material UI, my new favorite styling library. Passport.js is implemeneted with JWT for authentication, and book data is gathered from Google Books API and OpenLibrary API. I had a lot of fun making this!